World of Kregen - Der Wegweiser

DIE Awards

Gold Tin Award

    This message is to inform you that the site that you had nominated has been awarded "THE GOLD TIN AWARD".

    This site is one of the few law enforcement sites on the WWW that truly communicates to the viewer the great deal of time and effort put into its creation. Its clever use of both graphics and content, made it an easy decision to give it the award.

Ultimate Link's Award

You've earned the "Ultimate Links and Sites" Award!
Please display this award with the pride of knowing that your site is both original in content and aesthetically pleasing!
Once again, congratulations!

five Planet's Award

After careful review of your web site we have chosen to give you our "5 Planet Thumbs Up" award for excellence in web page design.

Wuzzle's Award

The recipients of this letter have been awarded Wuzzle's Thumb's Up Award. Your site has met Wuzzle's criteria for cool sites. The following items were evaluated: site theme, site layout and design, photo and artwork selection, and overall impact.

Keep up the great work--and remember we all are the World Wide Web, and our quality pages can only make it better!

Xarons's Award
Dieser Award steht für alle Seiten die mir gefallen!
gez. Xaron

BadBob's Award
In recognition of your hard work and effort in designing a great page:
I would like to award you the "Cool B" award. Given to web pages that just ooze coolness! Thanks for helping make the Web a more interesting and fun place to visit.

NANO s Teufel-Award
Herzlichen Glückwunsch Du hast NANO's Teufel-Award gewonnen.

Prime Navigator

Congratulations !

Your homepage meets definitivly the criterions for a Prime Navigator Site.

High HTML and Grapics Quality, Easy Navegation, Fast Download

Travel, Tourism, History, Culture, Society, Entertainement,
WWW - World.Web.Wisdom

Womit ich die Site Contents verdient habe weiß ich zwar nicht aber egal, offizell zugesant ist offizell oder? ;-)

A+ Web Design Approved Award

You have won the A+ Web Design Approved Award.

Your site is well designed and is an interesting addition to the world wide web.

Creativity Award

We have been at Your site and surfed around for a while.
We like what we have seen, it´s well done and easy to navigate.
We give this award to people or companies who have a nice site
-one that does not have lots of images copied from other pages.
Your page have to be easy to naviagte and responsive (not slow).
And the most importent is that You have some good information in the site.

We feel that your site belong in that group.
You have done a great job.
You are now the proud owner of the "Creativity Award".

Blackmoon Rising Award

Congratulations! You have won the Blackmoon Web Excellence Award!
And, keep up the fantastic work!
Sarina M. Blackmoon

Dragon Lord Award

Grüß dich.
Hey, eine schöne Seite hast du da.
Sie gefällt mir sehr und es freut mich dir meinen Award
überreichen zu dürfen.
Halte ihn dir immer in Ehren! :-)

Ich werde mit Gewißheit des öfteren vorbeischauen.

May the holy dragon be with you. SKRRIIIEEEEEEE

Lancelot Award of Excellence

Hear Ye, Hear Ye! Be It known throughout this land that Willkommen bei
World of Kregen has been presented the "Lancelot Award of Excellence",
and is entitled to all the benifits that come with this award,
until which time they may receive an award of more prestiege!

Sir Lancelot

AD&D Bronze Award


ich habe deine Seite ausgewertet und bin zu folgendem
Ergebnis gekommen :

Übersichtlichkeit 13
Grafische Gestaltung 12
AD&D Informationen 14
Umfang 9
Gesamteindruck 14

Gesamt = 62

Deine Seite gefällt mir im großen und ganzen recht gut, kommt aufgrund der harten Bewertung und der dünnen AD&D-Daten jedoch nur auf 62 Punkte.
Allerdings ist das schon recht viel für den Bewertungsvorgang.
Somit erhältst du für deine gelunge Seite den AD&D-Award in Bronze
mit freundlichen Grüßen

Sir Falkenau

Zurück ins Vollerdrom...